Flying start to 2014 for EOCA!

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Flying start to 2014 for EOCA!  Following its 39% growth in membership in 2013, the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) is delighted to start 2014 in a similar fashion!

Three new members joined the association on 1st January, all commited to help fund vital conservation of outdoor spaces around the world.
High Sierra has joined EOCA as it launches into the European outdoor market, thereby working with like-­‐  minded organisations for the benefit of the environments its customers explore. EOCA was delighted to welcome Nikwax Benelux as its first distributor member, demonstating that membership is open and relevant to all connected to the European outdoor industry. Northshots Photography has become the first photography company to join as well, expanding yet further the efforts they take to give back to conservation.

Emma Blyth from Northshots Photography explained that ‘We believe in delivering a first class service which also takes account of our social and environmental responsibilities. Membership of EOCA will allow us to fulfil part of this obligation by putting funds directly back into conservation projects’.

Catherine Savidge, Joint General Manager of EOCA said ‘We are delighted to welcome 3 new members to the association already this year. Each new member means more money for conservation. Already, due to the growth in membership we have recently experienced, we are planning to spend over €200,000 on conservation projects this year alone, which brings our target of having spent our second million Euros ever closer.’

To find out more about the Association please go to: