New paths for adventure travellers: interview with Chris Doyle

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During this period of disruption, disintermediation and morphing of traditional supply chains for both the outdoor gear manufacturing and adventure tourism industries – compounded by the rising trend of humans’ increasing detachment from nature, leaders who lean in with fresh eyes, shatter existing paradigms, seek strategic solutions in unexpected places, and release their imaginations will be better positioned to break through and access new, profitable and sustainable frontiers.

The ATTA’s May 2019 Global Outdoor Gear Survey proves that our industry is eager and open to pursue new and innovative partnerships to help deliver on these objectives. For the European Outdoor Group community, opportunity exists to engage directly with the global adventure tourism community to explore and co-create new distribution solutions, gear rental/lending programs, guide pro-deals, merchandise sales, and so much more. The time is now for the outdoor industry and the adventure tourism industry to break the mould and forge new paths – together. Watch the video interview with Chris Doyle.

Interview: Jessica Ceotto
Video editing: Andrea Monticelli.