Kalymnos Climbing Festival: Interview with Iker and Eneko Pou

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The Kalymnos Climbing Festival was the perfect opportunity to have a good chat with one of the strongest couple on the planet: Iker and Eneko Pou . During the event Iker was one of the bolters that has set the cliff for Project Competition, together with Jacopo Larcher , Hansjorg Auer and Siebe Vanhee. Eight intense and explosive routes on the same wall.

During their career, Iker and Eneko have climbed some of the most difficult and complicated big walls in the world. Between 2003 and 2008, they completed the project “seven summit for seven continents” which consisted to climb seven of the most difficult routes in the seven continents.

They have recently completed, along with the Austrian Hansjörg Auer and French Lapesant Ben , the first free ascent of “The Door” ( 8b/5.13d , 630 m) , on Baffin Island (Canada).




One of the most interesting and important events of the season has finally arrived . Which are your impressions about living and climbing in Kalymnos ?

Iker : At first glance is phenomenal right? This place is a paradise for climbers and tourists : sun, sea and beautiful route are the best gift that a climber could pretend. As I’ve already sad before, this place is a true paradise!

You were committed in the nailing of the cliff which hosted the Project Competition last April . I watched the comp with great interest and as a climber I was speechless at the foot of the cliff! What a show ! What does it mean to have this kind of responsibility ? What are the difficulties faced  in a similar process ?

Eneko : Unfortunately due to an injury I have not been able to participate. I was sad. On the other hand the guys have done an excellent work.

Iker : the work was well done and we are all very satisfied. But how much time spent to find the right crag! A similar event needs a spot that can collect all the athletes on a certain degree of difficulty. Despite the island still offers a lot of walls to equip, only some of these are ideal to organize a competition between professional rock climbers. I mean that 8 new routes with a certain range of difficulty are not easy to find, clean and spiking . Another aspect to consider and not to be overlooked is that the routes have to be beautiful to climb!

You spent your life traveling around the world .Your life is devoted to climbing in all its aspects and its fields of evolution. I grew up reading of your first ascents and watching your videos. Where do you find the motivation?

Eneko : As you’ve just said it’s all about motivation and all this motivation comes from our love for the mountains. It’s hard to explain but it’s all a matter of following your intuition and feelings . We spent most of the time climbing, with sport climbing at first but now with more ” alpinistic ” and traditional projects . The truth is that we like to be constantly around the world to discover new destinations and new walls.




You want to tell me that you ‘re talking about a “never ending loving story.”


Eneko : or at least I hope so.

You will definitely hear what is going to happen in Yosemite National Park, on El Capitan. In a few weeks Tommy Caldwell , Kevin Jorgenson , Jonathan Siegriest and Chris Sharma will attempt the first ascent of the Dawn Wall Project . What is your opinion on this effort that is considered one of the hardest multi-pitch in the world?

Iker :  Tommy Caldwell is trying the way since 2007, and for seven years he has spent much time with the mind fixed on that project , which almost certainly will be the hardest Big Wall ever attempted . Surely they are training hard in order to free climb the route which is 900 meters heigh with key steps on super- technical granite plate.

Chris Sharma will take part in the expedition: what a surprise!

Eneko : Why not? They are motivated to complete the project. Chris can bring motivation and some experience in the group. Because of the extreme difficulty , it could remain a project for the next generation , or maybe not. Doubtless spending seven years in search of the first climb is really impressive.




Any plans for the next  future ?

Iker : Actually many!

Eneko: we have the intention of returning back to Himalaya groped for a way at high altitudes. We’ve trained for this and we hope to be more lucky than last year, during which we had to give up just because of my injury . Motivation is high and we’re ready to go.

Thank you and good luck.

Thanks to Mountainblog .